Africa here I stand a black man in a white man’s promise land. A creed despised a culture unknown, from the toil of my people hath this nation grown.
Africa here I stand a black man in a white man’s promise land.
With the stars and stripes at our side to perpetuate the American dream we have fought and died. But these ideals it seems to a black man can only be a dream.
Africa here I stand a black man in a white man’s promise land.
Maybe someday they will open their eyes and America will realize that the quality of man isn’t measured by shade of skin. But oh dear Motherland until then.
Africa here I stand, a black man in a white man’s promise land.
Tenthltr2u (c) 1969
Good Monday Morning Family, Could this be the dawn of that day I wrote about back in 1969? Could Barack Obama open their eyes and have America realize that the quality of man is not measured by shade of skin?
Peace, Tenthltr2u