Now that we’re seeing some light at the end of the tunnel after a long year of anxiety and lockdown, there’s no better way to (cautiously) cel than putting on A LITTLE DRIVING MUSIC, the third – and most festive, funky and forward thinking – of veteran bassist Brian Bromberg’s albums to be produced in quarantine. The multi-faceted collection showcases the alternately soulful/sensual, furiously grooving and brassy high-octane magic that’s possible with a socially distanced recording. Fully embracing modern technology, Bromberg pays homage to everything from an optimistic 80’s classic and the reality of quarantine to a beloved feline rescued in Barbados on a set featuring the emotional fire of elite Smooth Jazz cats like Dave Koz, Everette Harp, Darren Rahn, Marion Meadows, Elan Trotman and Nick Colionne. . .